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10 Safety Rules in Chemistry Laboratory

It is very important to keep all laboratory equipment in the right place and understand how to use it correctly. When working in the laboratory, you should also check the safety features of the laboratory before starting the experiment. Electronic devices can be found in almost any laboratory. Be sure to follow electrical safety rules when you are in the lab to avoid accidents. According to Ménard and Trant, “risky practices and a carefree attitude toward safety in science are so standardized that low standards in this area are not troubling or even obvious to those inside.” In an effort to bring about a change in this attitude, we have listed some ground rules and best practices that researchers should follow to ensure a safe working environment in the laboratory: Although laboratories and institutions are responsible for laboratory safety and there are regulations at the local level, State and federal, individual researchers also have a responsibility to go beyond simple compliance and a safety culture. and to promote laboratory caution. This requires a strong commitment to protect yourself and others around you from injury – working carefully, carefully and safely in the lab. If you use organic crops, check if it is safe to use soap and water for cleaning, or if a stronger remedy is needed to destroy dangerous microorganisms in the crops. Also inquire about your laboratory`s protocol for the disposal of sharp products such as razors, needles, glass containers, etc. Read the lab manuals and ask your colleagues or professors if you have any doubts. 8.

Do not panic in case of an accident: Even after precautions, accidents occur. In the event of an accident, do not panic. Panic can make the situation worse. Stay calm; Do not walk as you may trip over wires or spill bottles of chemicals. It is important to know the location of safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, first aid kit, emergency phone, eyewash stations, etc. If chemicals or particles get into your eyes or skin, wash them off immediately. Take laboratory safety exercises seriously; Regular participation in these prepares you for real emergencies. Finally, always keep your supervisor informed of your experience and follow their instructions carefully. The importance of laboratory safety cannot be overstated. Scientific laboratories expose researchers to a potentially dangerous environment that presents many dangers: chemical, biological, physical and even radioactive. A review article published in November 2019 by Dana Ménard and John Trant in Nature paints a frightening picture of the general attitude towards laboratory safety. Here are some of the alarming findings of the study: Be sure to wear protective gear when needed.

The basics include a lab coat and glasses. Depending on the type of experience, you may also need gloves, hearing protection, and other items. Always keep experiments and equipment in the laboratory, they should not be brought home. Leaving the lab with experiments can expose other dangerous chemicals or pathogens and compromise the integrity of your work. For your safety and that of others, it is important to leave your experience in the laboratory. Don`t take it home with you. You could have a spill or lose a sample or have an accident. This is how sci-fi movies begin. In real life, you can hurt someone, cause a fire, or lose your lab privileges. For anyone working in a testing laboratory, it is important to follow the laboratory`s safety rules.

Laboratories are inherently dangerous environments, between toxic chemicals and the risk of fires, there are many things that could go wrong. Follow these guidelines to protect yourself and your team and avoid unfortunate incidents. An important safe laboratory rule is to know what to do with your experiment when it is complete. Before you start an experiment, you need to know what to do at the end. Don`t leave your mess to the next person to clean. In the event of a problem, it is important to know the location of the safety equipment and its use. It`s a good idea to check the equipment regularly to make sure it`s in order. For example, does the water actually come from the safety shower? Does the water in the washbasin look clean? The science lab is inherently a dangerous place with fire hazards, dangerous chemicals and risky processes. No one wants to have an accident in the laboratory, so it is essential to follow the safety rules of the laboratory.

The basic safety rules for laboratory behavior should be observed when working in a laboratory. Many of the most common security rules are listed below. Some rules are NOT meant to be broken. This applies to the rules that apply in a chemistry laboratory. They are really, really for your safety and not for your humiliation. A particularly important safety rule is to inform a supervisor if and when an accident occurs. Don`t lie about it or try to hide it. If you are cut, exposed to a chemical, bitten by a laboratory animal or spill something, there can be consequences, and the danger is not necessarily just for you. If you don`t receive care, you could sometimes expose others to a toxin or pathogen. If you don`t admit to an accident, you could cause big problems for your lab.

Save your snacks for the office, not for the lab. Do not eat or drink in the science lab. Do not store your food or beverages in the same refrigerator that contains experiments, chemicals or cultures. Safety rules for laboratory-specific operations are provided in the appropriate laboratory SOPs. Some laboratories use lasers. If you are one, it is very important to adhere to the safety rules of the laser, so protect yourself from damage or injury. It is important to establish appropriate rules for the use of lasers so that everyone knows the dangers. For many chemicals, if you can smell them, expose yourself to a dose that can harm you! If the safety information indicates that a chemical should only be used in an extractor hood, do not use it anywhere else. This is not a cooking class – don`t try your experiments! 10 Lab Safety Rules Every researcher should follow 8 minutes of reading time Working in a lab can provide a fun and exciting career, but it also comes with several risks. Be sure to minimize these dangers by following the safety guidelines above.

Another important safety rule is to act responsibly in the lab – don`t play Mad Scientist and mix chemicals randomly to see what happens. The result could be an explosion, a fire or the release of toxic gases. 1. Wear laboratory protective clothing: Be sure to use PPE in the laboratory at all times. Put on a lab coat with full sleeves, closed shoes, and glasses before entering the lab. If you have long hair, it is best to tie and remove it if you work in the laboratory. Find out if you need to wear other protective equipment or remove accessories such as metal watches, rings, etc. for the work you do. Protective clothing not only reduces the risk of damage to the skin and eyes, but also minimizes the possibility of contamination. When working in the lab, don`t forget to wear your lab coat.

You should also wear covered shoes, loose clothing, long pants, and if you have long hair, make sure they are tied back. If necessary, you should also wear personal protective equipment (PPE). These include glasses, gloves, ear coverings, and any other important PPE required for your experience. This will help minimize laboratory hazards. No sandals, no clothes you like more than life, no contact lenses and long pants are better than shorts or short skirts. Tie long hair. Wear safety glasses and a lab coat. Even if you`re not clumsy, it`s probably someone else in the lab. If you take even a few chemistry classes, you`ll probably see people setting themselves on fire, spilling acid on themselves, on others, or taking notes, injecting themselves into their eyes, etc. Don`t be the bad example to others you`ve always remembered for something stupid! You should never eat or drink food or drinks in the lab.

Avoid storing your food in the same refrigerator where you store experimental chemicals or materials, otherwise it could easily lead to cross-contamination by chemicals or pathogens. Eating and drinking in the lab can also be a distraction or other and lead to mistakes. It is important to pay attention to your lab manager and follow the instructions regarding the experiment. Be sure to ask all relevant questions before you start the test so that you can handle the procedure with certainty. This step is crucial because if you do not follow the instructions, you can put yourself or others in the lab at risk. 3. Dispose of laboratory waste safely: This is an area of laboratory safety that researchers often overlook.

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